dimanche 23 décembre 2012

Lawyer Advertising

Lawyer Advertising

The article presents a U.S. Supreme Court’s decision regarding the constitutionality of Florida Bar’s rules prohibitingpersonal injury lawyersfrom soliciting victims or their relatives for a period of 30 days following an accident or a loss.
The issue at stake is whether such rules infringe the freedom of speech protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.
Indeed, with the ruling Virginia State Pharmacy Board v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council, Inc. (1976), the Supreme Court invalidating a state statute which prohibited pharmacists from advertising the price of prescription goods, held for the first time that truthful commercial speech which did “no more than propose a commercial transaction” merited First Amendment protection.
On the other hand, the Florida Bar, stresses that while thorough surveys have demonstrated that targeted solicitations to accident victims and their relatives were generally quite unpopular among Floridians and reflected poorly on the profession, such distasteful solicitations also encroached on citizens’ constitutional right to privacy.
In Bates v. State Bar of Arizona (1976), the Supreme Court considered that legal advertising deserved first amendment protection.
But the court also said that purely commercial speech deserves a lesser degree of protection under the First Amendment (l. 105: ‘subordinate position’).
Consequently, the Florida Bar regulations meet constitutional standards. (Intermediate scrutiny)
In a dissenting opinion, Justice Kennedy endeavored to establish the need to protect lawyers’ right to solicit clients within a period of 30 days after they had suffered a personal injury.
He reminds that solicitations are not contracts and should clients regret having responded favourably to such targeted solicitations they still have the opportunity to pull out of the scheme.
He also claims that solicitations enable lawyers to provide information essential to their clients. Should lawyers be forbidden to solicit clients, the latter would not have access to vital information such as the necessity to enable counsel to gather evidence as quickly as possible, nor would lawyers have the possibility to dissuade their client from entering into settlement negotiations or evidentiary discussions with investigators for opposing parties.
In a nutshell, Justice Kennedy argues that the system itself may well deserve to be reformed. But clients should not be deprived of information essential to understand how that system works (l. 113-115: “The State’s restriction deprives accident victims of information which may be critical to their right to make a claim for compensation for injuries”).
Referral / referral service / referral profession
File an action for declaratory and injunctive relief
To be disbarred
Another Florida lawyer was substituted in his stead (= in his place)
Mindful of these concerns
In the wake of = in the aftermath of
Flagging reputation = waning reputation
To send targeted mail
Intrusion on privacy
It reflects poorly on the profession
As of June 1989…
The anecdotal record mustered by the Bar
Noteworthy for his breadth and detail (remarquable de par…)
Scavenger = an animal that feeds on carrion, or dead plant material /
To burgeon with criticism
Despicable = deserving hatred and contempt
Astounded = astonished
Ambulance chasing
To rent space on billboards
Telephone directories
To hold someone in the utmost contempt
Unsettle leading First Amendment precedents
To undercut a guarantee
To rescind a contract = revoke, cancel, repeal
It is of the essence = it is fundamental, essential / it is of the essence that …
To enter into settlement negotiations
Evidentiary discussions
A device

Twelve Angry Men

Twelve Angry Men
(Story and screenplay by Reginald Rose. Film directed by Sydney Lumet)
From the reference to the Woolworth building that the jurors may see from the window, we may infer that the action is set in New York.
This building, which is located in lower Manhattan not far from the N.Y. Supreme Court, was built for M. Woolworth who ran a firm of department stores selling cheap items in 1913. The president at the time was Woodrow Wilson (Democratic president 1912-1920). He inaugurated the building from Washington D. C., by pressing a button that lit up the 80.000 bulbs of the building.
To be at somebody’s beck and call
To give $5 to the cause (aux bonnes oeuvres)

I. The tension
At first, the tone of the conversations is congenial. But the situation deteriorates (goes downhill) fairly rapidly. To convey a sense of tension, Lumet draws a parallel between the storm which is brewing outside and the stifling atmosphere in the room.
When the jurors enter the jury room, they observe that it is the hottest day of the year. It is sizzling hot / baking hot / stifling hot/ roasting. On top of this, the windows open with difficulty and the fan is on the blink (it has broken down). Finally, they are locked into the room.
Driving rain / to be raining cats and dogs / a downpour
A lightning bolt / A flash of lightning / A roll of thunder
(/ The weather is muggy, and makes the jurors feel hot and clammy)
The bigot (the man who suffers from hay fever which makes him impatient and irritable) cracks a joke. He makes fun of / makes sport of the foreman’s suggestion that the jurors should take a preliminary vote by ballot.
He is eager to leave the room quickly / to get it over with as soon as possible. (He wishes he could go home. He would like to go home.)
Wish + Present Conditional: Wish on present or future
Wish + Preterit: Wish on present or future but impossible to fulfil.
Wish + Past Perfect: Regret
The juror with the hat is of the same opinion, as he is attending a baseball game that evening.
The tension cranks up a notch:
-       When Fonda refuses to raise his hand and suggests spending an hour to discuss the case before “sending the kid to the chair”. The bigot who is a great element of tension chuckles and mutters under his breath: “boy oh boy there’s always one”.
-       When Fonda suggests they should sit for an hour, the “bigot” pretends to tell a funny joke totally unrelated to the case, thereby implying Fonda’s suggestion is preposterous and a waste of time.
-       When the “bigot”, (who constantly upsets the rules of the discussion), launches into a racist diatribe it irritates the old man causing him to stand up and protest.
-       When Fonda asks “the bigot” why he believes the woman’s testimony whereas he doesn’t believe the kid as “she is one of them too”.
-       When the “bigot” calls the foreman a “kid” whereas the latter is only trying to keep things organised, causing the Foreman to grow weary and lose his temper.
The tension reaches its climax when H. Fonda pulls out the very same switchblade knife / flick-knife (…)
(The “gentleman is entitled to see exhibits in evidence”)
II. The case
The defendant is a young offender who has just turned 18 years old and who allegedly stabbed his father to death.
He is said to have stabbed his father. He is accused of having killed his father.
He grew up in a slum. He comes from an under-privileged background (/ neighbourhood).
His mother is not mentioned and he was raised by his father who is a drunkard (an alcoholic), who was convicted for forgery and who used to beat him up. He is a repeat offender (/a “jailbird”). He is a petty criminal. We can infer from the context that the building where the killing took place is probably a “tenement”.
To mug someone: to assault for money.
Two eyewitnesses claim they saw the kid stab his father and runaway from the apartment.
One is a woman who lives in a building opposite the building where the killing took place, across the elevated train.
The other witness is an old man who lives in the same building, in an apartment just one storey below.
These two people bore witness / gave evidence / gave testimony / testified in court.
(To bear witness)
The accused however claims he was at the cinema at the time of the killing.
(To claim ≠ to pretend)
It appears that during the trial, the prosecution relied heavily on these 2 witnesses.
The accused was defended by a public defender. Henry Fonda questions the competence of this attorney. Maybe the public defender believed the kid didn’t stand a chance. Fonda blames him for not having cross-examined the witnesses. Had he been in the place of the accused / If he had been in the place of the accused, he would have asked for another lawyer.
(To blame someone for doing something / for not doing something).
III. Arguments of the Jurors (Never in the movie are the names of the jurors mentioned.
(We’ll only know the names of the old man and of Henry Fonda’s character at the very end of the film. Naturally, this intends to throw light on the fact that jurors are anonymous.)
Juror n°2: “The little man with the glasses sitting on the left of the Foreman”
His argument is that the defence did not prove that the boy was innocent. However, as Henry Fonda’s character points out, the burden of proof is on the prosecution. It is up to the prosecution to prove that the defendant is guilty.
Juror n°3: “The loud man at the head of the “beck and call” company who tells the story of his son.
When this juror presents his argument, he asserts that he is only concerned with facts. However as he digresses to tell the story of his own personal fight with his son, one can’t help but feel that somehow the man identifies himself with the victim. He sympathises with the victim (/ he feels sympathetic to the victim).
In reality, he has a personal issue which prevents him from being objective.
Juror n°4: “The Broker”
This juror appears as extremely rational and tempered. His is a very analytical mind. For him the boy his guilty and he explains the guilt of the accused by the environment in which the boy grew up (“slums are breeding grounds for criminals”).
Besides, he is very suspicious of the boy’s alibi. He considers the boy’s alibi is ‘flimsy’. Indeed nobody saw the defendant at the cinema and he cannot remember the title of the film he is supposed to have watched.
He does not set / put great store by the defendant’s arguments. (To set great store by something)
He focuses on the weapon the kid is supposed to have used as well, trying to prove that his knife was a very unusual knife.
Juror n°5: “The man from the Slum”
At first, this juror decides not to justify his choice. We note that when the jurors took the customary preliminary vote, he hesitated to raise his hand, as if not quite certain of boy’s guilt, but influenced by the other jurors around him.
Juror n°6: “The painter”
This juror is not concerned with the fact that the defendant was unable to prove his innocence, nor does he try to explain the boy’s criminal mind by the environment in which he grew up. On the contrary, he is mainly concerned with the motive of the accused. For him, the fact that the boy had been beaten up repeatedly by his father prompted him to retaliate and stab him to death. As the broker says, everybody has a breaking point and the two slaps in the face may have been “two too many”. Contrary to the broker, the painter grants a lot of importance to the fact that the kid said he had been punched in the face and not slapped in the face.
Juror n°7: “The baseball man”
He is eager to go to the stadium to see a baseball game. He believed the boy was guilty right from the start. He focuses on the past of the accused, on his personal record. The assaults he had committed previously some of which involved the use of a knife: “Oh, he is really handy with a knife”.  
He’s still convinced of his guilt and asserts that discussing the case for a hundred years would not make him change his mind.
Juror n°8: Henry Fonda’s character who voted Not-Guilty
He is the only one to have doubts as to the guilt of the accused. He challenges all the other jurors’ arguments. He says the defendant does not have to prove his innocence. He is not convinced by the prosecution’s arguments. He believes the prosecution does not have a strong case as it relies only on the two testimonies of the witnesses and that even if the witnesses were under oath, they’re only humans and as such are liable to make mistakes. He also proves for instance that the kid’s knife is not as unusual as the prosecution or the broker claim.
Juror n°9: The old man
He does not get a chance to talk but he disagrees with the bigot’s arguments right from the start.
Juror n°10: A watchmaker (who is not a native speaker)
He is one of the jurors who are not given the opportunity to talk. However, as an immigrant, we understand that he is not receptive to the arguments of the bigot / he does not see the bigot’s arguments in a favourable light.
He sides with the man who grew up in a slum when the latter snaps at the insulting bigot.
Juror n°11: The bigot who is also a bully
He keeps interrupting the other jurors and breaking the rules that have been fixed by the foreman. He is cranky and cynical. He is a bully as he keeps interrupting everyone else in the room. He relies on the testimony of the witness who lives in the apartment across the street. But his arguments against the defendant are mainly motivated by pure racism and xenophobia.
To be prejudiced against someone
Juror n°12: The advertising man
He is nice, pleasant and accommodating and tries to appease the tension between the jurors. But he is also a little shallow (i.e. superficial). He trusts the testimonies of the two witnesses as “these people were under oath”, even though he concedes that a trial ‘is not an exact science’.
Juror n°1: The Foreman
Does not present any argument.
IV. Inconsistencies
The juries are supposed to represent a cross-section of society. However we note that jurors in the film are exclusively white men (and as such do not represent minorities such as women for example). Even in the 1950s this would have been unusual. 

mercredi 14 novembre 2012


Understanding the document:

- What is the journalist’s opinion of the Electoral College?
The journalist thinks that the Electoral College system has many flaws and that it should be abolished.  “There should be a bipartisan movement for direct election of the president.”

- What arguments does he put forward to justify his position?
·      The Winner-takes-All system does not take account of the minority vote in each state.
·      A candidate may become President without having won the popular vote.
·      The system creates another form of distortion in favour of small states as they are allocated at least three electors and as such are over-represented.
·      The campaign does not focus equally on the needs of Americans in every state: the outcome of the election depends on a handful of swing states. As a consequence, the needs of many Americans are ignored whereas candidates focus excessively on the needs of voters in a few states only (“focus their attention, money and promises on a small slice of the electorate”)
ê This situation does not encourage people to develop an interest in the campaign or to go to the polls (“removes the incentive for a large part of the population to follow the campaign, or even to vote”)
·      Because electors do not have to vote for the candidates they are pledged to, the defection of a “faithless elector” may have severe consequences. It could cause other electors to defect and if the vote is close in the Electoral College, this could upset the outcome of the election.
·      If both candidates obtain the same amount of electoral votes, the House of Representatives is in charge of selecting the president. According to the procedure, each state has one vote, no matter the size of its population.

- Explain why the state of Florida is so important for candidates.
Cf. Florida is a swing state and as such focuses the attention of both candidates for the presidency.

3. Explain the following expressions:

- In paragraph 1: “a surefire blue state”: a state that is certain to vote for the Democrats
- In paragraph 4: “a swing state”: a large state with a significant number of electors, which alternates between support for Democrats and Republicans and where the outcome of the election is difficult to predict (ex: Florida).
- In paragraph 4: “The interests of people from Puerto Rico scarcely come up at all”: the candidates pay little attention to the interests of the Puerto Rican community because a significant part of this community lives in the State of New York where a majority of voters traditionally vote in favour of the Democratic candidate. Therefore candidates are not inclined to spend time and money courting the votes of Puerto Ricans. The Democratic candidate therefore does not need these votes.
For a Republican candidate on the other hand had better focus his campaign on swing states where the votes of a
voting minority can help him carry those states. 



Exercise 1: In the text above, find translations or synonyms for the following words.

a. Translations

b. Synonyms

Colistier : a running mate

Disloyal: faithless

Un scrutin : a ballot

To abandon: to drop out

Faire prêter serment à quelqu’un: to swear someone in

A list (of candidates): a slate 

Années paires : even years

To compose: to make up

Années impaires : odd years

To necessitate: to require
Un serment : an oath

A draw: a tie
Un grief, une plainte : a grievance

A result: the outcome of the election
Préciser : to specify

To swear, to commit oneself: to pledge

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks in the article with the twenty words listed below.

battleground / delegates / economic / Vice President / running mate / term / chairman / establishment / unemployment / Medicare / swing / percent / Convention / fall / vowing / pick / nomination / spending / cheered / surveys

Mitt Romney Announces Paul Ryan As Vice Presidential Running Mate
By Kasie Hunt
The Huffington Post, August 11, 2012

NORFOLK, Va. — Republican Mitt Romney anointed Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, an ardent conservative and devoted budget cutter, as his vice presidential 1 running mate on Saturday, and the two men immediately embarked on a tour of campaign battleground states 2 vowing to defeat President Barack Obama and repair the long-ailing U.S. economy.
America is "a nation facing debt, doubt and despair," and a transformative change in leadership is vital, Ryan declared to a flag-waving crowd in the first moments after Romney introduced him as his partner for the 3 fall campaign.
"Regrettably, President Obama has become part of the problem... and Mitt Romney is the solution," said the seven-term lawmaker, who at 42 is a generation younger than Romney, 65. Ryan is 4 chairman of the House Budget Committee, the chief architect of deeply controversial budget plans and widely viewed by Republican lawmakers as an intellectual leader within the party.
The two Republican ticket mates basked in the cheers of supporters in a made-for-television debut on a ticket hoping to make Obama's first term his last. "I did not make a mistake with this guy," Romney exulted. Romney declared that in the campaign to come, Republicans will present 5 economic solutions "that are bold, specific and achievable. (…) We offer our commitment to help create 12 million new jobs and to bring better take-home pay to middle class families."
The party 6 establishment, rank-and-file conservatives and tea party groups all 7 cheered the pick made by Romney, whose own record as a moderate during his term as Massachusetts governor less than a decade ago made his march to the presidential nomination an uneven one.
Obama's campaign didn't wait long to respond. It criticized the budget blueprints Ryan has authored, particularly his recommendations to fundamentally remake Medicare and cut $ 5.3 trillion in government 8 spending over the coming decade.
Ryan joins a race that has been defined from the beginning by a weak economy and high 9 unemployment measured most recently at 8.3 10 percent in July. Even so, recent national polls as well as 11 surveys in several 12 battleground states indicate a narrow advantage for Obama.
While Romney's 13 pick unified Republicans, the impact in 14 swing states such as Florida, Iowa and Pennsylvania was an open question. All are home to large numbers of seniors whose reaction to Ryan's prescription for 15 Medicare is certain to be tested by Democrats.
Ryan's selection as well as Romney's own 16 nomination will be ratified by 17 delegates to the Republican National 18 Convention that begins on Aug. 27 in Tampa, Fla.
Obama and 19 Vice-President Joe Biden will be nominated for a second 20 term at the Democratic convention the following week. The vice president called Ryan to congratulate him on his selection, the president's campaign said.
The GOP ticket made its debut at a naval museum in Norfolk, Va., opening stop of a long-planned bus tour through four states in as many days. A trip to Ryan's home state was added to previously scheduled appearances in Virginia, North Carolina, Florida and Ohio.

L2 THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM: Electing a U.S. President in Plain English

dimanche 11 novembre 2012

L2 Chapter 4 THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM, Translation

California is the most populated state of the USA. As a consequence, it is the state that has the most electors / that has the greatest number of electoral votes.
Texas also plays an important part in the election but it is not as populated as California. Consequently, there are fewer electors in Texas than in California.
Since there are as many electors in each state as there are senators and representatives, the state the least populated / the smallest state / the least populated state cannot have less than three electors.
According to some political analysts / commentators, the Democratic candidate is more likely to win the election than his Republican rival.
Super Tuesday is probably the most important moment of the primaries.

jeudi 1 novembre 2012

L2 THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM: Extra resources, The Primary Elections

Extra Resources

The Primary Elections:

Originally, choosing who would represent the party in the election was the only prerogative of party members who gathered at party conventions. However, the lack of transparency, as well as the fact that ordinary voters had no say in the selection of their candidate, led to the progressive institutionalization of primary elections. A few states organized the first primaries as early as the beginning of the 20th century. But this system truly developed in the wake of the Second World War, and has become the main mode of selection of candidates since 1968. Because the procedures regulating primary elections are specific to each party at state level, rules from one state to another may vary quite significantly. But in essence, we can distinguish between three types of primary elections.

a.     Primaries and Caucuses

Only voters who are registered as members of the party can take part in closed primaries. (For instance, only Republicans may vote in Republican primaries.) Such primaries are sometimes considered to be quite restrictive as they prevent voters who are not affiliated to any party from taking part in the primaries.
Therefore, another type of primaries also enables independent voters to take part in the selection of the candidate of the party, while voters registered with a party may only vote in that party’s primary election. We talk about semi-closed primaries.
Finally, open primaries allow voters, regardless of party affiliation, to vote in the primaries that they wish. Open primaries are certainly the most flexible, but they also allow for a tactic called “party crashing”. For example, if no Democratic primaries are organized in a given state or if there is no real suspense as to who will win the Democratic primaries, a Democratic voter would then be free to take part in the Republican primaries. If he wishes to do so, this voter could vote for a particularly weak candidate from the rival party who would then be easier to defeat in the general election. Technically however, if Democratic and Republican primaries are organised in the same state, voters from that state may only take part in one primary election. 
Finally, caucuses are another method used to select candidates. Again procedures vary according to state law and political parties. In most states, such as Iowa, voters meet in private homes and other public buildings to discuss the campaign and the different candidates. They then elect delegates to county conventions who in turn elect delegates for state conventions where the delegates for the national convention are chosen. At democratic caucuses, voters sometimes publicly divide into groups, gathering in different corners of a room to demonstrate their support for a particular candidate. The smallest group is then eliminated and the supporters of other candidates try to convince the members to join their respective groups to increase support in favour of their candidate. When there is a clear winner, delegates are then allocated accordingly. At Republican caucuses the selection of delegates is usually made by secret ballot. The results of the ballot determine who the delegates will be.
As primaries and caucuses are organized by each party independently at state level, Republican and Democratic primaries in a same state do not have to take place on the same day. The selection of one party’s nominee could be made by a caucus, whereas the other party’s nominee could be chosen by a closed or an open primary.
Moreover, primaries are not held across the USA at the same time, but span a period of several months, starting in January and ending in June. The first results are very important and early primaries generate significant media coverage. Since 1988, many states have agreed to organize their primaries simultaneously on the same day. This event referred to as “Super Tuesday” is the most important moment of the primaries.

b.     The National Convention

At primary elections and caucuses, voters actually do not vote for their candidate directly. Instead they vote for delegates who are local party members or state officials, who will in turn vote for their candidate. Depending on the states, delegates are either pledged delegates and have to vote for the candidate they promised they would support, or unpledged, in which case they are free to vote for whoever they please. 
The next step leads all the candidates of the party to a National Convention. Each party has its own convention. In 2012, the Republican National Convention was held at the end of August, in Tampa, Florida, while the Democratic Convention took place a week later in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The National Convention is where all the delegates gather and vote in favour of their candidate. In addition, delegates are also joined by superdelegates, who are national party officials who have not been elected in the primaries. Indeed, superdelegates are meant to represent the party establishment, not the population, and as such are also free to vote for whoever they wish.
Usually, during the primary election phase, many candidates progressively drop out of the race and the major contender for each party is known by the month of June. Therefore there is no real suspense as to who the party candidate will be by the time the process reaches the National Convention stage. The point of the Convention is primarily to show the strength and the high morale of the party before the real election begins. But this is not always the case, and when two contenders are still in competition, the votes of the superdelegates bring a real element of uncertainty as to who the candidate will be.  
The National Convention is also a major stage of the campaign as it is where the newly elected official candidate of the party traditionally announces who his running mate will be. The running mate is the candidate for the Vice-Presidency. Together they form what is called the ticket. One strategy for the nominee may be to choose the other major contender in the primary elections in order to secure as many votes as possible. However, in 2008, although Hillary Clinton had been a serious rival of Barak Obama’s in the primaries, the latter finally chose Joe Biden as his running mate. Once Obama was elected he appointed H. Clinton as Secretary of State, which is a key position in the administration. Indeed, the role of the running mate is also often to counterbalance the candidate’s personality or background, in order to court a section of the electorate that would not spontaneously be inclined to vote for the official candidate of the party. This could explain John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin in 2008.

L2 THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM: Extra resources, grammar and vocabulary


Comparatives and superlatives

This section gives an overview of the basic rules related to the construction of comparatives and superlatives. For a more detailed presentation of this grammatical point (notably with regard to exceptions and specific cases), you may wish to consult a grammar book such as S. Berland-Delépine, La grammaire anglaise de l’étudiant, Ophrys.

Ø  Comparatives :

o   For short words (i.e. One syllable or two-syllable words ending in “y”):
ê Use: Adj.+ er + than
Ex: Texas is bigger than New Hampshire.

o   For longer adjectives (i.e. Two syllables or more) or adverbs ending in “ly” (“slowly”, “seriously”):
ê Use: More + Adj. + than
Ex: The presidential election is more captivating this year than it was four years ago.

N.B.: Two-syllable adjectives are generally considered as:
- Short, if they end in “y” (pretty ê prettier ê prettiest), in “er” (clever), in “le” (gentle), or in “low” (narrow, shallow)
- Long, if they end in “ful” (useful, careful), “ish” (bookish), “ive” (active), “id” (vivid), or if they are formed with the prefix “a” (alone, afraid)

o   Comparative structure with a noun:
ê Use: More + noun
Ex: Texas gets more electors than North Dakota.
o   Comparative structure with a verb:
ê Use: Verb+ noun
Ex: I work more than my friend (does).

ê Use: As + Adj. + As
Ex: She is as tall as her brother / She is as intelligent as her brother.

ê Less + Adj. + than  
Ex: Dick is less tall than John.
Ex: Nebraska is much less populated than Illinois. / Nebraska is far less populated than Illinois.
ê Not as + Adj. + as
Ex: Vermont isn’t as populated as Maine.

Ø  Superlatives

o   For short words (i.e. One syllable or two-syllable words ending in “y”):
ê Use: Adj.+ est
Ex: It is the toughest campaign that I have ever seen.

o   For longer adjectives (i.e. Two syllables or more)
ê Use: the most
Ex: He is the most popular of all the candidates.

ê Use: The least
Ex: The candidate the least likely to win the election became the new President.

Ø  Some adjectives and adverbs have irregular comparative and superlative forms:
- Good / well ê (comp.) better ê (sup.) the best
- Bad / badlyê (comp.) worse ê (sup.) the worst
- Far ê (comp.) farther / further ê (sup.) the farthest / the furthest
When talking about distances, both “farther” or “further” may be used. But only “further” may be used in the sense of “more or additional” in a more abstract context.
Ex: “For further information on Government policy, please contact the Press Officer”.
- Old ê (comp.) older ê (sup.) the oldest
When talking about people and family members, “elder” / “the eldest” are also used.
Ex: Bill has two sisters. His elder sister is called Sarah. Claire is younger than Bill. So Sarah is the eldest of the three.
But you can’t say “Sarah is elder than Bill and Claire”. “Sarah is older than Bill and Claire” is the correct form.

Ø  Progression: 
Ex: The campaign is getting tougher and tougher everyday.
Ex: Opponents of the Electoral College system are getting more and more vocal all the time.
Ex: The TV show is becoming less and less interesting.

Ø  Parallel progression:
“The more, the merrier”, “The sooner, the better”, “The less said about it, the better”
N.B.: Each proposition starts with the adjective in the comparative form.
Ex: The more the candidate campaigns, the more support he musters.

Ø   All the more” (…) “as
Ex: He felt all the more depressed as all his friends were away.
Ex: I was all the less surprised as I have known him for years.

Ø  “Twice as” / “half as”
Ex: This house costs twice as much as the apartment we visited this morning.
Ex: There are twice as many people tonight as there were at last night’s meeting.
Ex : This conference room is half as big as the one in New York / It is half the size of the one in New York / It is twice as small as the one in New York.

Ø  The first paragraph, the second paragraph (…)
N.B.: The last paragraph, the second last paragraph.
The candidate from the South obtained the second best score.

Other grammatical points:
- Nevada's 2.2 million residents (from the text “Making votes count”)
- Jim owes Tom three thousand dollars. (= $ 3000)
- Betty bought three dozen eggs. (= 3 x 12)
- Two hundred people attended the conference (= 200 people)
N.B.: in this structure there is no “s” and no preposition “of”.
- Dozens of representatives: (“des douzaines de”)
- There were thousands of people at the party meeting (“des millions de”)

- “Article II of the Constitution” but “The second article of the Constitution”
- “During World War II” but “During the Second World War
- “In paragraph 3” but “In the third paragraph”

Ø  When a name is preceded by the function or the title of the person, use no article:
-       Ø President Obama = “The President of the United States”
-       Ø Vice President Joe Biden” = “The Vice President of the United States”

Ø  Every + singular:
- “Every vote is equal” / “every other year” (Ex: Representatives in Congress seek re-election every other year.)
- But: “Every four years


To fight a campaign
The electorate: all the people in a country who are entitled to vote in an election
To canvass: to solicit votes from voters or to question people to obtain their opinion on a specific question
To be / to go on the stump: to be engaged in political campaigning
To take the stump ó to go to the country ó to hit the campaign trail
To address public meetings
To barnstorm: make a rapid tour as part of a political campaign
To woo voters: to court voters
A smear: a false accusation ê “a smear campaign”
Grassroots: the most basic level of an activity or organization ê ordinary people regarded as the main body of an organization’s membership ê “a grassroots campaign”
The party establishment (ó party leaders) ≠ the rank-and-file
To pull in votes: to win votes
To muster 5% of the votes: to succeed in collecting 5% of the votes
The Primaries ó the primary elections (open primaries ≠ closed primaries)
A caucus ê (pl.) caucuses
Super Tuesday
A delegate ê pledged delegates ≠ unpledged delegates
A superdelegate
The National Convention
The nominee: the official candidate of the party (once he has been official chosen by the national party convention) ê nomination
A voting system
A ballot: a system or occasion of secret voting
A ballot slip: the piece of paper on which one votes
An unmarked ballot: a blank vote
A ballot box: a sealed box into which voters put completed ballot papers
A two stage election ó a two-tier election ó a two round system
A first round ó A first ballot
Polling day ó election day ê (phr.) to go to the polls
A polling station: a place where people go to vote in an election
A polling booth: a small area partitioned on three sides in a polling station where you can vote in private
To cast a vote: to vote
The turnout: the number of people taking part in an election ê a low turnout ≠ a high turnout
Even years (2004, 2006, 2008…) ≠ odd years (2005, 2007, 2011…)
The franchise: the right to vote in public elections
To enfranchise / enfranchisement ≠ to disenfranchise (also, to disfranchise)
An opinion poll ó a survey
An exit poll: an opinion poll of people leaving a polling station, asking how they voted
A pollster: a person who conducts or analyses opinion polls
The electors: the members of the Electoral College
The winner-takes-all system
A faithless elector
A Census: an official count or survey of a population
The presidential race
An incumbent president: a president currently holding office
To run for president
The running mate
The ticket
A contender: a challenger, a competitor
The front-runner: the candidate who is leading in the race
The runner-up: the candidate taking second place
An underdog: a candidate thought to have little chance of winning the election
To endorse a candidate: to proclaim one’s support in favour of a candidate publicly
A blue state: a traditionally Democratic state
A red state: a state that usually votes for the Republican Party
A swing state: a large state with a significant number of electors, which alternates between support for Democrats and Republicans and where the outcome of the election is difficult to predict
To tally the votes: to count, to add up the votes
To carry a state: to win a majority of votes in a state
To pull off a victory ó to carry the day: to win an election.
A landslide victory (ê to win by a landslide) ≠ a narrow victory, a scant victory
A tie óa draw
The President-elect
To swear someone in ó to be sworn in ê the swearing-in ceremony
To take the oath of office
A term of office
A mandate: the authority to carry out a policy or course of action regarded as given by the electorate to a party or candidate that wins an election
To hand over power to someone
To come to power = to take office
To leave office
To retire from politics