jeudi 30 octobre 2014

M1 Homework for Week 6 (Nov. 4th / Nov. 6th)

1. Study the following case: A 15 Eddings v Oklahoma. (See booklet: p. 15-16).

2. Study the notes summary on the Fifth and the Sixth Amendments that have been posted on the blog.

3. Study the part on Criminal Law and Procedure of the Yellow booklet. (We will discuss this chapter in class.)

In order to practice your written English, you may, if you wish, finish the commentary on Berghuis v. Thompkins and turn it in so that I can correct it for you.

NB: On account of the fact that Nov. 11th is a bank holiday, the English class on Week 7 will take place on Wednesday Nov. 12th, at 2.05 pm in room 202. This information concerns students attending tutorial n° 2, normally scheduled on Tuesdays.

As usual, Tutorial n° 52, will take place on Thursday Nov. 13th at 9.20 am in room 606.

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