samedi 10 janvier 2015

L2 Sentence completion exercises: correction

Article IV of the U.S. Constitution

Exercise 2, p. 102 (booklet): Sentence completion

1. Pursuant to Article IV, Section 2...states are obligated to extradite individuals who are wanted or convicted of crimes in other states.

2. Public records...are kept by the states and include birth certificates, marriage licenses and voter registration rolls.

3. Despite the Constitution's full faith and credit provision,... states have a long history of disregarding the laws and policies of other states.

4. A fugitive from one state... must be delivered up by the executive authority of the state to which he or she has fled.

5. Although each state... is sovereign, it has transferred some of its sovereign powers to the federal state.

The U.S. Legal Professions

Exercise 1, p. 128 (booklet): Sentence completion

1. Whereas full service law firms... deal with many practice areas, boutique law firms specialize in particular areas, such as insurance defense work, telecommunications or entertainment law.

2. Owing to a duty of confidentiality,... lawyers are bound by an ethical principle of not divulging information shared by the client.

3. Due to the absence of a national bar examination... in the U.S., lawyers can practice only in the state(s) where they have passed the bar examination(s).

4. If a lawyer is charged... with a wrongdoing, disciplinary authorities can give private reprimands or impose disbarment or suspension orders.

5. Corporate lawyers are those... who are employed by corporations and receive salaries from only one client, the company.

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