vendredi 19 février 2016

L3 Homework for Week 4 (the English Civil Courts)

1. Study the introduction to the Court System (see Glossaire p. 17)

2. Study the corresponding vocabulary!

3. Exercise 2. Read (and prepare thoroughly!) the 3 texts of exercise 2, p. 37-39 of the Booklet.
For each text, try to answer the 4 questions asked in the introduction to the exercise (see p. 37.)
We will cover the three texts in class so it is essential that you have taken the time to prepare these texts before next class.

Do not forget to make sure to have good knowledge of the introduction to the Supreme Court chapter as well as of the "Case Study" (Ex. 5 p. 24) studied in class on week 3 as two students will be asked to give an account of what we discussed last week!

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