mardi 15 mars 2016

L3 Class on discrimination: Correction of exercise 2 p. 46

Exercise 2, p. 46 - Complete the following sentences, limit your answers to one
completed sentence 


1. Pursuant to the Equality Act 2010, individuals are protected from acts of direct and
indirect discrimination, from acts of harassment and from acts of victimization.

2. While indirect discrimination refers to organisation which applies to everyone but places
someone with a characteristic at an unfair disadvantage, direct discrimination refers to the
less favourable treatment of a person with a protected characteristic.

3. Discrimination claims are dealt with in civil courts such as county courts or the High
Court, or in a special court such as the Employment Tribunal.

4. If the defendant is found liable in a discrimination case, he/she may have to pay
compensation to the claimant and the claimant’s feelings will be taken into consideration by
the judge when awarding damages.

5. As well as the provisions of the ECHR which are incorporated into the Human Rights Act
and therefore are applicable in the UK, individuals are protected by the Equality Act 2010

which encapsulates all anti-discrimination protections.

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