samedi 18 février 2017




Text 3, p. 52-53

Alice K., Adam D. (G. 16)

Servile (adj.) : Having or showing an excessive willingness to serve or please others.
Caste (n.) : Each of the hereditary classes of Hindu society, distinguished by relative degrees of ritual purity or pollution and of social status.
Landmark (n.) : An event or discovery marking an important stage or turning point in something.
Root (n.) : Denoting or relating to something from a particular ethnic or cultural origin
To be ill-treat (v.) : Act cruelly towards (a person or animal)
Foam mattress (n.) : A mattress made from rubber or plastic solidified in a lightweight cellular mass.
To harass (v) : Subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation.
To inherit something (v.) : Derive (a quality, characteristic, or predisposition) genetically from one's parents or ancestors.
Merely (adv.) : simply, only  
Aware (adj.) : Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
Adivasi caste (n.) : members  of any of the aboriginal tribal peoples living in India before the arrival of the Aryans in the second millennium BC.
Skill (n.) : The ability to do something well
To obtain a redress (v.) : Remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation)
A row (n.) : an argument 
To confront (v.) : To report 
A stance (n.) : an intellectual or legal position 


Smith v. MoD
 Selim D.,  Thibault-Amaury D. (G 16)

  • Friendly fire, (n.): Shots from own camp
  • Negligence, (n.): Lack of due care
  • Servicemen, (n.): Soldiers
  • Breach a rule (v.): Violation of a set of rules
  • Struck out (adj.): Crossed through
  • Preventive (adj): Precautionary
  • Duty of care : Responsibility or legal obligation for someone to avoid acts or omissions that could bring harm to others
  • Deceased, (adj.): Dead person
  • Allegations, (n.): Accusation
  • Within the scope of…:  In the range of…
  • Combat immunity: A common law doctrine which excludes civil liability for negligence and deliberate damage to property or person committed by the armed forces.

Smith v. MoD  

Maxime B, Victoire R.  (G 17)

Allegation (n.) : A claim that someone has done something wrong/illegal
Arise (v.) : To emerge, become apparent
Arise from/out of (v.) : To get up from something / To be caused by something
Breach (n.) : An act of violating a law
Breach (v): Break or violate a law
Claim (n.) : A request or demand for something considered one’s due / A right to something
Claim (v.) : Formally request or demand for something considered one’s due
Dissent (n.) : To differ in sentiment or opinion from the majority 
Improvised (adj.): Done or made using whatever is makeshift
Involve (v.) : To affect or have a necessary consequence / to embroil, engage
Injury (n.) : Damage done to a person or a thing / Damage suffered by a person or a thing
Liability (n.) : The state of being responsible for something towards the laws
Negligence (n.) : Failure to take care over something 
Purpose (n.) : The reason for which something is done, a determination
Purpose (v.) : To intend or resolve a goal
Require (v.) : Need for a particular purpose
Scope (n.) : The range, the extent of subject matter to which it is relevant
Strike out / Struck out (v.) : to remove something / declare invalid 
Towards  (pr.): In the direction of
Trial (n.): A formal examination of evidence by a judge in a case of civil or criminal proceedings
Unanimously (adv.): With the agreement of all people involved

Melodie D. and Camille C. (G. 54)

Vocabulary oral presentation – Smith and Others v. The Ministry of Defence
June 19th 2013 (UK Supreme Court)

  • Serviceman : a member of the armed forces of a country. 
  • « Friendly fire » incident : an attack by a military force on non-enemy, own, allied or neutral, forces while attempting to attack the enemy, either by misidentifying the target as hostile, or due to errors or inaccuracy.
  • To allege : to assert, to declare 
  • Improvised explosive device : a home-made explosive device designed to maim, harass, or kill
  • To strike out :  you apply to ask the court to strike out your opponent's claim if you consider it is "vexatious" (mischief making), "scurrilous" (insulting), or "ill-founded" (wrong). This will mean the claim will not proceed.
  • To owe : to be in debt to 
  • Doctrine of combat immunity : provides that when the armed forces are in the course of military operations, they are under no actionable duty of care in tort to avoid causing loss or damage to their fellow soldiers, or indeed to anyone else.
  • A deceased : someone who died 


The Law Explored : naked and unarmed – but shot dead by mistake  

Vocabulary (GROUP 16):

- a set of rules = to gather several rules
  • broad (adj) = extensive, varied, large
    - crackdown (n) = punishment
    - to raid {sth} (v) = to attack, to assault
    - to try {sth/sb} (v) = to judge
    - mistaken (n) = inexact, confused
    - liability (n) = legal responsability for acts
    - to push ahead (v) = to go on, to continue
    - assault and battery (n) = crime, direct physical assault (coups et blessures)
    - vindicatory action = to claim for oneself or another
    - to infringe (v) = to violate
    - mere (adj) = just, no more than
    - requirements (n) = needs
    - behaviour (n) = conduct of a person
    - to acknowledge (v) = to admit, to accept as true
    -  tort (n) = damage, injury
    - odd (adj) = unusual, weird
    - to settle (v) = to resolve
    - thoughtful (adj) = rational, result of thought
    - to ossify (v) = to become rigid
    - a quarry (n) = an open pit
    - constable (n) = police officer

Vocabulary (GROUP 17):

Criminal law (n.) : the part of the legal system that relates to punishing people who break the law.
Civil law (n.) : the part of the legal system that relates to personal matters, such as marriage and property, rather than crime.
Self-defence (n.) (u.) : a claim or plea that the use of force or injuring or killing another was necessary in defending one's own person from physical attack.
A crackdown (n.) : a situation in which officials begin to strictly enforce rules or laws.
A Chief Constable (n.) : in Britain, the police officer in charge of the police in a particul area.
The Old Bailey : the main criminal court of London, England.
Naked (adj.) : wearing no clothing.
Unarmed (adj.) : not carrying a weapon.
Honest (adj.) : truthful and sincere.
Reasonable (adj.) : based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical / acceptable.
Mistakenly (adj.) : (of an idea or action) wrong or incorrect.
Unlawful (adj.) : not allowed by law.
To push ahead : to continue with an activity in a determined or enthusiastic way, especially when it is difficult or makes you feel tired.
To plead (v.) : to make a request for something.
A requirement (n.) : something that you must do, or something you need.
An Assault and battery (n.) : a threat to injure someone followed by a violent attack on them.
An Assault (n.) : a violent attack.
To raid (v.) : (of the police) to enter a place suddenly in order to find someone or something

MB v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

Vocabulary (GROUP 54)
  • Referral (in the european system) : A question of interpretation or validity of a european provision raised by the national judge and sent to the european judge.
  • The acquired gender : The gender under which you are registered after a gender reassignment.
  • State retirement pension : An amount of money given by the state that one receives at a certain age, after quitting his/her job.
  • Gender reassignment : Sex transformation.
  • To be eligible to : To be suitable / to satisfy the criteria.
    • Eligibility : The entitlement to something, to have the quality to access to something.
  • To undergo surgery : To receive a surgical intervention.
  • Marital status : Whether or not one is married.
  • To preclude : to exclude (here the application of a legal disposition).
  • To enter into force : To become applicable.
  • Entitlement : The right, the privilege.
  • Interim gender recognition : A gender recognition which is not total but temporary.
  • The Panel : When not all the Justices hear the case/Only a portion of Justices hear the case.
  • Requirement : A need, a condition.
  • To amend : To correct, modify.
  • To acquire : To obtain.
  • Guidance : Advice, assistance (of the judges).

L3 Group 54
gurney (n.) : a light bed on wheels, used to move patients in a hospital penitentiary (n.) : a state or federal prison 
prolific (adj.) : producing a great number or amount of something 
brand of (n.) : a particular type of something, or way of doing something 
to enact (v.) : to put something into action, especially to make something law 
logistical (adj.) : relating to the process of planning and organizing to make sure that resources are in the places where they are needed, so that an activity or process happens effectively 
to carry out something (v.) : to do or complete something, especially that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do 
to underline (v.) : to emphasize 
wares (n.) : small products for selling, especially in a market or on the street 
to bolster (v.) : to support or improve something or make it stronger 
stance (n.) : a way of thinking about something, especially expressed in a publicly stated opinion 
scrambling (adj.) : putting things in the wrong order so that they do not make sense (like scram- bling eggs) 
delighted (adj.) : very pleased
substantial (adj.) : large in size, value, or importance
to resort to something (v.) : to do or use something because it is the only thing available
to replenish (v.) : to fill something up again
aided by (adj.) : helped by
lethal (adj.) : deadly, which causes death
shady (adj.) : - informal - way to express that something is illegal or dishonest
to cloak (v.) : to hide something
secrecy (n.) : the state of being secret or of keeping something secret
compounding (adj.) : - formal - formal something consisting of two or more different parts bespoke (adj.) : specially made for a particular person, tailor-made
manufacturer (n.) : a company that produces goods in large numbers
to look to somebody to make something (v.) : to hope that someone will do something for you 
to urge somebody to (v.) : to encourage someone to do or achieve something significant (adj.) : important or noticeable
to contend (v.) : to say that something is true or is a fact
overblown (adj.) : bigger or more important or impressive than it should be 
to carry out the law (v.) : to keep applying the law
tremendous (adj.) : very great in amount or level, or extremely good
/ synonyms : gigantic, huge

to put somebody to death (v.) : condemning to death 
to comport with (v.) : if an idea or statement, etc. comports, it matches or is similar to something else 
botched (adj.) : used to describe something, usually a job, that is done badly
spokesman (n.) : someone who is chosen by a group or organization to speak officially to the public for them (ex : a government spokesperson) 
blow (n.) : a hard hit with a hand or a weapon 
to sting (v.) : if someone's unkind remarks sting, they make you feel upset and annoyed 
to strike down (v.) : (of a court) to decide that a law or rule is illegal and should be ignored 
polls (n.) : survey of opinion, statistics 
to wage war against something/somebody (v.) or to wage war on something (drugs, crime) : to fight a battle or to conduct a campaign against something 
prosecutor (v.) : a legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a law court 
to seek (v.) : to try to find or get something, especially something that is not a physical object death row (n.) : cellblock for prisoners sentenced to death, waiting to be killed as a punishment for 
a crime
populous (adj.) : country, area, or place which has a lot of people living in it on hold (adv.) : suspended, that is waiting for something/somebody nationwide (adj.) : existing or happening in all parts of a particular country tally (v.) : to match or agree with something else
to gauge (v.) : to calculate an amount, especially by using a measuring device 
backup (n.) : someone or something providing support or help, or something that you have arran- ged in case your main plans go wrong which is why we usually say « a backup plan » 
shipment (n.) : a large amount of goods sent together to a place, or the act of sending them
to dispatch (v.) : to send something, especially goods or messages, somewhere for a particular purpose
shortage (n.) : a situation in which there is not enough of something
lengthy slate : - mostly US - a long list of candidates
wholesaler (n.) : so who buys and sells goods in large amounts to shops and businesses to allege (v.) : to say that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof inmate (n.) : a prisoner
chamber (n.) : a room used for a special or official purpose 
field (n.) : 1. an area of activity or interest
2. an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals, usually surrounded by a fence 3. an area covered with grass, used for playing sports 
myriad problems (n.) : many problems, almost infinite
dubious (adj.) : thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted to ensure (v.) : to make certain that something will happen, to make sure 

DUILLI K. / CAMILLE C. (Group 54)
A cudgel : a short stout stick used as a weapon
Death row inmate : someone who is sentenced to death and waits for his execution
Emphatic : very expressive or significant
Faith-based : affiliated with, supported by
A freshman : a novice, a beginner
GOP : other name for the Republican Party in the U.S.
A live band : a musical group which plays in live
Markedly : a change in behaviour or in a situation which is very obvious or noticeable
To acknowledge : to admit truth or reality of something
To depict : to describe
To be hammered : to be hit, to be beaten
To launch : to initiate, to begin
To point to : to indicate
To shift : to switch, to change
To top out : to peak, to culminate
To reignite : to make something such as a disagreement or worry that was disappearing grow stronger To wrangle : to argue
Capital punishment (uncountable), the death penalty 

Joanna Z.
Ona P-P.

A ruling (n) : a decision
To invoke (v)  : to declare to be binding or in effect
Evidence / to evidence (n) ; (v) : that which tends to prove or disprove something
Horrendous (adj) : shockingly dreadful
To injure (v): to do or cause harm of any kind to
A prosecutor (n) : an attorney who conducts legal proceedings against a person, as in a court of law
Callous (adj) : unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people (unfeeling ; insensitive)
Likewise (adv) : in the same way
To convict (v) : to prove or declare (someone) guilty of an offense, especialy after a legal trial
Manslaughter (n) : the unlawful killing of a human being in which there is no prior intent to kill
Reckless (adj) : utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action
To appal (v): to make someone have strong feelings of shock or of disapproval
To caution (v) : to give a warning 
An appeal (n) : an application or request for review by a higher court
To appeal (v) : to apply for review of a case or particular issue to a higher tribunal
A limb (n): arm or leg

 “Miranda rights or warnings”:  is a right to silence warning given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial interrogation) before they are interrogated to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings. 

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