vendredi 14 octobre 2016

Text Summaries and Vocabulary selected by and for L3 students

Untruths about ‘anchor babies’ and the 14th Amendment
Vocabulary selected by students in L3 G 2

A fine (n.) =  a :  a sum imposed as punishment for an offense / b : a forfeiture or penalty paid to an injured party in a civil action / in the text: to be understood in the sense of ‘paying the price for being undocumented’, as the situation was particularly difficult for Pedro’s parents.
Sidelines (n.) =   a line at right angles to a goal line or end line and marking a side of a court or field of play for athletic games / in the text: to stand on the sidelines = to watch something as a spectator, without taking part in the event. 
Bias (n.): a tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly / a strong interest in something or ability to do something
To be unbiased (adj.) = to be impartial (Antonym: to be biased)
To avoid (v.) = keep away from something/someone / Structure: to avoid doing something
avoid + v-ing
To wade across (v.) = to walk across something covered by water 
Fanciful (adj.) = imaginary
Wholeness (n.) = 1. The state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; unity / 2. The state of being unbroken or undamaged / 3. Good physical or mental health. / entirety / integrity
To swaddle (v.) = to wrap (someone, especially a baby) tightly with a blanket, pieces of cloth, etc.
To open the floodgates (v.) = to remove something serving to restrain an outburst. 
Ex: ‘Many people fear that the court's latest ruling will open the floodgates for/to a host of new lawsuits.’
Turgid (adj.) =  very complicated and difficult to understand / swollen  
To whine (v.) =  to complain in an annoying way / to make a high crying sound / to make a high and unpleasant sound that continues for a long time.

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